Thursday, August 29, 2013

Banana Oat Choc Coconut Cookies

Banana Oat Chocolate Coconut Cookies! 

2x Bananas
1 c Oats 
1/4 c Shredded Coconut
2 tbl spoons of Agave
2 tbl spoons of Choc cocao chips

recipe from Lauren Ako

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Omg Pumpkin!

Almond Pumpkin Seed Butter
w/ Cinnamon, Honey & Cacao 

found this yummy looking treat on instagram! 


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I add lemon to everything!

Good Morning!

A good healthy on-the-go breakfast that I also posted on my Instagram: 

-vegetable greens powder
-whey vanilla protein 
-lemon wedges 
-water & ice 

Enjoy :)  

Monday, August 19, 2013

It's a Wrap!

Love finding new motivating sites all over the web, this is a cool one from Instagram! 

Enjoy :)

My Monday

Breakfast: whey protein shake (didn't have time to mix/blend today! Sry)
Snack: banana chips 
Water intake: 32 oz lemon infused
Lunch: mixed greens, cranberries, raw almonds, unsalted sunflower seeds, balsamic dressing. Edamames. 

If your all wondering where I got my awesome container, I got it at the Dollar Tree for $1 !!!! It's perfect for proportions and it even holds your fork and knife!
No need to spend crazy money, we all work hard for it, eating healthy is expensive cut corners where you can, dollar store has awesome containers and zip lock baggies for our food! 

Enjoy xoxo
P.s my Instagram: jillianashley88 ;) 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Dave's Kombucha :)

I saw these little gems on my bestie's page!
I call it Dave's Kombucha

-7 Cups of your favorite organic tea
- 1/4 c of Organic sugar
-Fill rest of the half gallon with Kombucha from previous recipe 
-Let sit for 10-14 days
Enjoy <3 

Trader Joe's & Whole Foods

Made a pit stop to Trader Joe's and Whole Foods today! I really been inspired
by many people to eat healthier and love a healthy lifestyle. I found great foods to mix in my protein shakes. 
-Organic Hemp (trader joes 12.99)
-Whey Protein (whole foods 19.99)
-Chia Seeds (whole foods 6.99)
-Flax seeds (whole foods 5.99)
-Sunflower seeds (trader joes 3.00)
-raw almonds (non-salted) (trader joes 3.00) 

Blend a scoop of whey protein, a teaspoon of hemp, and teaspoon of everything else, I also bought almond &coconut milk for consistency and flavor...enjoy :) 

Green Smoothie Bliss

Once again, came across this random Instagram account on eating green! 
If this doesn't sound delish then I don't know what does! 
Enjoy! :) 

Trader Joes Chia Seeds

Love finding new organic and delicious blends on Instagram! People have such unique and creative ways to eat healthy and making them look so yummy! 
Can't wait to try this little gem! 
Enjoy! :) 

Raw Intentions

Eat clean! Eat Raw! 
I love finding new sites to follow with new and fresh ideas on eating clean! :) 
Enjoy !